How to Clean Baseboards Like a Pro

Baseboards are often overlooked during regular cleaning, but they can collect a lot of dust, dirt, and grime over time. Luckily, cleaning your baseboards is a relatively quick and easy task that can make a big difference in the overall cleanliness of your home. Here are some tips and methods for getting your baseboards sparkling clean.

How to Clean Baseboards Like a Pro


The first step is to remove loose dust and debris. Use the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to go over the baseboards and suck up dust. Alternatively, you can use a microfiber duster or even dryer sheets to grab and hold onto dust particles. Dusting regularly will prevent heavy buildup.


For a deeper clean, you'll need to wash the baseboards with a cleaning solution. Mix a few drops of dish soap into a bucket of warm water until suds form. Dip a microfiber cloth or sponge into the solution, wring it out well, and wipe down one section of the baseboard at a time. Use a cotton swab to get into corners and crevices.

Wipe each section with a clean, damp cloth to remove any soapy residue. For stubborn scuffs and stains, use a melamine sponge (like a Magic Eraser) or make a paste with baking soda and water. Gently scrub the marks until they disappear. Always spot-test any cleaning product first in an inconspicuous area.

Drying & Shining

Once you've washed the baseboards, go over them with a clean, dry microfiber cloth to remove excess moisture. For extra sheen and dust-repelling power, wipe the baseboards with a dryer sheet. The anti-static properties will help keep dust and pet hair from clinging.


To keep your baseboards looking great between deep cleans, dust them whenever you vacuum. Every couple of months, wipe them down with a damp microfiber cloth. If you have pets or a lot of foot traffic, you may need to clean more frequently.

Staying on top of dusting and washing will make the task much easier and faster. With these simple tips and techniques, your baseboards will be gleaming in no time. Tackle one room at a time or hire a professional cleaning service and the job will be done before you know it.

Clean baseboards can make your whole home look and feel fresher.


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